Nexus Game
The Rockefeller Foundation

Jakarta, 25 – January 2017 - A collaboration between Rockefeller’s 100 Resilient Cities (100 RC) program and Jakarta Property Institute (JPI) brought together for the second time a diverse group of “champions” to engage in something quite unique - play! Nearly 30 representatives of government, business and industry paired together to role play as “Countries” and “Companies” in a strategy based board game called Nexus!

Like all games, the point is to survive and thrive, expanding country and company capital alike. The final outcome, understood by all the players, is that countries and companies must work together for collective growth and mutual success.

Foundational principles, such as working together for the greater good is a baseline for JPI - helping country and company work together for the benefit of our great city, Jakarta.

JPI spearheaded Jakarta's application to 100 RC in 2016 and is proud to be a consistent partner in helping Jakarta build resilience to major shocks and daily stresses. Working together to achieve success, Nexus! confirmed that strategy is a winner.

The Rockefeller Foundation representatives briefed on the Nexus Game rules - by Jakarta Property Institute (JPI)