City Stats | car oriented city

The development of the mobility system in Jakarta's urban planning initially did not focus on public transportation, unlike Singapore and Hong Kong. This resulted in the dependence of Jakartans on private vehicles as a mode of daily mobility, which of course caused various disadvantages. However, now the development of mobility systems in Jakarta has begun to lead to public transportation.

Here's how Jakarta's dependence on private vehicles compares to Singapore and Hong Kong.

1. Private car ownership in Jakarta is 5x that of Singapore and Hong Kong.

Number of private car ownership (2020)

Source: Central Bureau of Statistics 2021; Land Transport Authority Singapore 2020; Transport Department of Hong Kong 2020.

2. For every 1,000 residents, Jakarta has 318 cars. This is far more than Singapore and Hong Kong.

Number of cars/1000 population (2020)

Source: Data Processing, 2020.

3. The length of the MRT line as one of the mass transportation modes in Jakarta is still much shorter than Singapore and Hong Kong.

MRT line length (2020)

Source: MRT Jakarta; Statista 2020; Transport Fact Sheets Government of Hong Kong 2021.

4. Jakarta's congestion levels are the highest compared to Singapore and Hong Kong as depicted by the rankings.

Congestion level (2020)

Source: TomTom Traffic Index Ranking 2020

5. The mobility system in Jakarta is still very much dominated by private cars. This is very different from Singapore and Hong Kong, which are dominated by public transportation.

Percentage of mobility mode share (2020)

Source: Deloitte City Mobility Index 2020.

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