City Stats | transit-oriented cities

Jakarta's urban development is not transit-oriented. The infrastructure available in Jakarta has not made residents comfortable walking and cycling. Unlike Singapore and Hong Kong, which are already transit-oriented.

1. Jakartans walk 2x further than Singaporeans, due to the distance from mass transportation to final destination.

Average daily walking distance from transit stops and stations to final destinations | 2020

Source: Moovit Public Transport Index 2020

2. The total length of bicycle lanes in Singapore and Hong Kong is 2 to 4x longer than Jakarta.

Bike Lane Length 2020 & 2021

Source: ITDP, Land Transport Authority Singapore, Legislative Council of Hong Kong

3. Jakarta relies on private cars as the main mode, unlike Singapore and Hong Kong.

Percentage comparison of mobility modes | 2020

Source: Deloitte City Mobility Index 2020

4. The quality of cycling infrastructure in Jakarta is the lowest compared to Singapore and Hong Kong.

Cycling infrastructure score | 2019

Source: COYA Bicycle City Index

5. Out of 100,000 residents, Jakarta only has 1 bike share and bike rental station.

Number of bike share and bike rental stations per 100K population | 2019

Source: COYA Bicycle City Index

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