Regional Development Planning Agency
Regional technical institution in the field of research and regional development planning led by a head of the agency which is under and responsible to the Governor / Regent / Mayor through the Regional Secretary.
Fire and Rescue Service
An executive element of the local government that is given responsibility for carrying out the tasks of handling fire problems.
Dinas Cipta Karya, Tata Ruang, dan Pertanahan
Regional Work Unit formed based on Regional Regulation Number 12 of 2013 concerning the implementation of One Stop Integrated Services. This work unit has the task of serving licenses and non-licenses with a one-door system.
Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu
The local government implementing agency responsible for carrying out fire management tasks.
Basic Building Coefficient
The maximum total area of the Ground Floor of the building compared to the land area.
Green Basic Coefficient
The percentage ratio between the area of all open space outside the building that is intended for landscaping/greening and the area of land plot/planning area that is controlled according to the spatial plan and building and environmental planning plan.
Building Construction Permit
A legal product that contains approval or license issued by the Head of Local Area (District / City Government) and must be owned / taken care of by building owners who want to build, demolish, increase / decrease the area, or renovate a building.
Refuge Floor
Temporary Refuge Floor
A fire-resistant floor that provides temporary shelter, especially for high-rise buildings.
Letter of Approval in Principle of Acquisition of Location or Land
Letter of approval in principle for the acquisition of a location / land or land plot for the physical development of the city of DKI Jakarta. This letter serves to control and supervise the acquisition / purchase of land, as a direction for development in accordance with city plans and to avoid land speculators.
Surat Izin Penunjukkan Penggunaan Tanah
SIPPT is a permit issued by the Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta regarding the approval of the use of a plot of land located on the Main Road Line (JJU) or which has a land area starting from 5,000 m2 or larger.
City Plan Description
The KRK and RLTB are maps equipped with a detailed description of the utilization of an area. The implementing agency in charge of this matter is the DKI Spatial Planning Agency.
Legislation formed by the DPR with the joint consent of the President. Can also be interpreted as written regulations made by authorized state organs and binding on every citizen.
Laws and regulations in Indonesia stipulated by the President to implement the law properly.
Legislation in Indonesia enacted by the Minister to carry out regulatory orders.
Regional Regulation
Legislation formed by the Regional People's Representative Council with the joint approval of the Regional Head (Governor or Regent/Mayor).
Regulations stipulated by the Governor to carry out the orders of higher laws and regulations or in organizing local government authority.
Zoning Regulation
A tool to control the implementation of urban or regional development so that spatial plans can be implemented appropriately.
Governor Decree
Determination that is concrete, individual and final in order to carry out the orders of laws and regulations or in carrying out the authority of the regional government.
Governor's Instruction
Official manuscripts that contain orders and/or that are technical, clear and detailed as the implementation of a higher legislation, or in other words, a follow-up to an existing legal product.
Detailed Spatial Plan
A plan that regulates in detail the spatial planning of the district / city area which is equipped with provisions governing the requirements for space utilization and its control provisions.
Building Layout Plan
A 1:1000 scale spatial utilization plan map depicting the position of buildings and their facilities within the city plan boundaries in two dimensions at a specific location which is an integral part of the KRK.
Regional Spatial Plan
A general spatial plan of the city area that contains objectives, policies, spatial planning strategies of the city area, city area spatial structure plan, city area spatial pattern plan, city strategic area designation, city area spatial utilization direction, and city area spatial utilization control provisions.
Surat Izin Penunjukan Penggunaan Tanah
Governor's permit for land use for buildings when the land ownership is 5,000 m2 or more.
Decreecontains provisions regarding a policy or regulation. Decrees are usually issued by agencies by organizations represented by the highest leadership.
Certificate of Functioning
A certification given by the DKI Regional Government to buildings that have met the requirements of function feasibility, and are suitable for operation.
Blog: Certificate of Functioning: For Whom?
Letter of Principle Approval for Site/Land Acquisition
This letter serves to control and supervise land acquisition/purchase, as a direction for development in accordance with the city plan.
Building Expert Team
A team consisting of experts related to the implementation of buildings to provide technical considerations in the process.
City Architecture Advisory Team
The Expert Team in the field of Architecture and Urban Technical has the task of providing technical considerations to the Governor, on the planning of Tall Buildings (more than 8 Floors), Buildings located on Protocol Roads, Buildings with Preservation criteria, Buildings that are above and or under the ground or water that cross Public Infrastructure and Suggestions, or Buildings with Special Functions.
Urban Design Guide Line
An urbandesign guide developed with the aim of bridging design outcomes into specific design guidelines to ensure quality at a micro level.
Environmental Management/Monitoring Efforts
Efforts made in environmental management and monitoring by the person in charge and/or activities that are not required to conduct an AMDAL.
Fire and Rescue Service
An executive element of the local government that is given responsibility for carrying out the tasks of handling fire problems.
Dinas Cipta Karya, Tata Ruang, dan Pertanahan
Regional Work Unit formed based on Regional Regulation Number 12 of 2013 concerning the implementation of One Stop Integrated Services. This work unit has the task of serving licenses and non-licenses with a one-door system.
Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu
The local government implementing agency responsible for carrying out fire management tasks.
Green Basic Coefficient
The percentage ratio between the area of all open space outside the building intended for landscaping/greening and the land area of the plot/planning area controlled according to the spatial plan and building and environmental planning plan.
Building Construction Permit
A legal product that contains approval or license issued by the Head of Local Area (District / City Government) and must be owned / taken care of by building owners who want to build, demolish, increase / decrease the area, or renovate a building.
Refuge Floor
Temporary Refuge Floor
A fire-resistant floor that provides temporary shelter, especially for high-rise buildings.
Principle Permit for Space Utilization
Permissiongranted by the Governor to applicants who will utilize space, in principle allowed space utilization within the limits of certain sub-zones organized according to land use considerations based on technical, political, social, and cultural aspects.
Informationon City Plan
A city development plan that provides information on building and environmental requirements made by the district government.
Governor's Instruction
Official manuscripts that contain orders and / or that are technical, clear and detailed as the implementation of a higher legislation, or in other words, a follow-up to existing legal products.
Urban Design Guidelines
Guidelines for regional planning that contain detailed technical descriptions of criteria, provisions, requirements, dimensional standards, quality standards that provide direction for the development of a designated area regarding the function, physical building infrastructure and public facilities, social facilities, utilities and environmental facilities.