Why does Jakarta lack public green open space (RTH)?
Public green spaces are important, but not yet a priority. That's how the condition of green spaces in Jakarta is described. Jakarta, along with many other big cities in Indonesia, still lacks green open space. Limited land, high land prices, and the absence of sanctions for local governments that fail to meet green open space targets are at least three of the reasons why cities do not have enough green space.
What is the definition of green open space?
The Spatial Planning Law mentions RTH in the form of elongated areas / lanes and / or groups, whose use is more open, where plants grow, both those that grow naturally and those that are deliberately planted. From this definition, its function is clearly as an oxygen provider with additional functions, namely recreational facilities, learning media, and noise reduction.
How much green space is currently available in Jakarta?
The total area has only reached 9.98 percent. In fact, the RTH area according to the mandate of Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning is 30 percent of the total city area. 20 percent is public green space provided by the government. The rest is private RTH provided by the private sector.
How can the 30 percent target be met?
The collaboration between the government and the private sector determines the achievement of this target. So far, every development carried out by the private sector requires a green area within the area of their development site. The obligation is fulfilled, but the area is not freely accessible to the public. The area is often small.
Rather than forcing green areas on each building parcel, JPI suggests that the green areas that are the responsibility of the private sector be consolidated or merged and moved to one location designated by the local government. The result would be a larger and more beneficial green space for city residents.
Wouldn't city dwellers like to have green spaces like Central Park in New York, Hyde Park in London, or Stanley Park in Vancouver? Consolidating green areas can be one way to realize green spaces like those cities.
For the city, green area consolidation accomplishes two things at once: it ensures the realization of quality green spaces that citizens can enjoy, and it provides an opportunity to improve urban planning. As for landowners, green area consolidation allows for more optimal land utilization.