Jakarta's congestion level
Congestion in Jakarta is one of the biggest challenges of living in the capital city. Jakarta's congestion is a problem that must be addressed by the government.
Based on data from TomTom Traffic Index, in 2018 Jakarta's congestion ranked as the 7th most congested city in the world. This poor ranking is already an improvement from the previous year, where Jakarta's congestion ranked 4th in the world.
The good news is that from 2017 to 2021, the level of congestion in Jakarta continues to decline. This can be seen in the TomTom Traffic Index for that period. By 2021, Jakarta's congestion rate has dropped to 34%. The index also dropped to 46th out of 404 cities in 58 countries.
The decline in Jakarta's congestion levels is worth acknowledging. However, congestion remains a problem that has a major impact on the quality of life of the capital's residents.
Jakarta's traffic jams stress its citizens
Jakarta's congestion has a direct impact on the stress levels of its citizens. Reporting from The Least and Most Stressful Cities Index 2021 by VAAY, Jakarta ranks 9th city with the highest stress level out of 100 cities.
Previously, in various reports with similar themes, Jakarta has often been ranked as a city with high stress levels. Jakarta's congestion contributes significantly to the stress level of living in Jakarta.
Solutions to reduce Jakarta's congestion
Jakarta's transportation and congestion problems are inseparable. The solution to Jakarta's transportation and congestion problems is to build Jakarta vertically in the middle of the city, so that more housing is available.
Increasing the availability of housing in strategic locations can reduce the distance people travel, thereby reducing congestion. Of course, the housing in question is affordable housing for the middle class and low-income people (MBR).
Reducing Jakarta's congestion by providing housing in the city center can only be done by the government. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government can utilize strategic public land, which is located close to public transportation. This land can be used as dense residential functions.
The application of this concept that can reduce congestion can already be seen in the Pasar Rumput Flat on the Pasar Rumput land owned by PD Pasar Jaya. Reporting from the official website of the Ministry of PUPR, this flat has three 25-story towers, with 1,984 type 36 units. The lower floor continues to function as a market, according to its original function.
By increasing mixed use development on strategic public land in Jakarta, more low-income families will be able to live in the city center. Automatically, Jakarta's congestion will be reduced.
This mixed use development can be applied in many strategic locations in Jakarta. Just imagine if the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government built more flats above terminals, stations and markets scattered in Jakarta. Of course, Jakarta's congestion will be reduced so that the stress level of Jakarta residents will decrease. By reducing congestion, Jakarta can become a healthier city for its citizens.
If you want to see a brief illustration of the implementation of solutions to Jakarta's congestion, also watch the video Fighting Traffic Jams Through Compact Housing.