Current Condition of the Provision of Simple Flats in Jakarta

Siaran Pers JPI
July 15, 2024

JPI Survey: Satisfaction Level of Residents of Simple Flats is Very High

JAKARTA - Jakarta Property Institute Program Director Steve J. Manahampi said the level of satisfaction of residents of simple flats in Jakarta is very high. On average, residents of flats score 4.2 out of 5.0 on the aspects that determine the satisfaction index. "This is an encouraging figure," Steve said at a press conference "The Current Condition of Flat Provision in Jakarta", Thursday, March 9, 2023.

Steve explained that the Satisfaction Index for residents of simple flats was obtained from a research study conducted by the Jakarta Property Institute (JPI). The field survey to support this research study took place in March - June 2022. The survey locations are scattered in simple flats in Jakarta with details: 22 simple rental flats (Rusunawa), 2 government-owned simple flats (Rusunami Pemerintah), and 4 privately-owned simple flats (Rusunami Swasta).

Furthermore, Steve continued, the level of satisfaction of residents occupying government flats and government flats is relatively higher (score of 4.2 out of 5.0) compared to the level of satisfaction of residents occupying private flats (score of 4.0 out of 5.0).

The total sample number of residents of simple flats interviewed was 931 respondents - one respondent representing one unit in one location of simple flats. In detail, 565 respondents came from the group of residents of Government Flats and 334 other respondents came from the group of residents of Government Flats and Private Flats.

There are 5 (five) dimensions or aspects used to compile the Occupant Satisfaction Index figure, namely: the quality of the building of simple flats, facilities in simple flats, facilities around simple flats, management of simple flats, and the behavior of residents of simple flats.

From the survey, Steve said, it was also found that the desire of residents to move out of the currently occupied simple flats to housing in other locations is relatively low, at least for the next two years. The level of satisfaction of residents while living in a simple flat is not related to the probability of residents moving out and looking for housing in other locations in the future.

The higher the level of satisfaction of residents while living in simple flats, the smaller the desire or the lower the chance of residents to move out. However, the chances of moving out of the flat will increase as the income of the residents increases. "That is why it is important to provide housing for various income levels," says Steve.

Responding to the survey results, Head of the Community Participation Development Section of the DKI Jakarta Public Housing and Settlement Areas Agency Mukti Andriyanto said the DKI Jakarta Government assigned 15-20 regional work units and regional-owned enterprises in each flat. They are tasked with creating convenience for residents of the flat. For example, PT Transportasi Jakarta is tasked with opening routes from the location of the flat and integrating them with other routes.

The residents of the rusunawa, said Mukti, also receive various trainings that can be used to improve the lives of the residents. To maintain service quality, the agency conducts a Satisfaction Index survey every three months. "We make them feel at home," he said.

To meet the need for affordable housing in the city, Mukti said his agency is reviewing the reliability of existing block-shaped rusunawa buildings. Block-shaped flats usually have a maximum height of five floors and were built before 2013. The results of the study will be the basis for planning the revitalization of the rusunawa. "They can be rebuilt with 2.5 times the height of the building," said Mukti.

In addition to the location of existing rusunawa blocks, Chair of the University of Indonesia's Urban Housing and Settlement Science Group Joko Adianto added that the potential for rusunawa development is also in other government-owned buildings. He gave an example, a market owned by a regionally-owned enterprise.

According to Joko, the Pasar Rumput flats, South Jakarta, are a good example of optimizing space utilization. Land that originally only functioned as a market, now functions as housing at the top of the building. "It should be duplicated in other places," said Joko.



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