The Jakarta MRT began commercial operations on April 1, 2019. This mode of mass transportation is a significant leap in terms of technology and the development of urban public transportation, signifying that Jakarta is ready to transform into a more modern megacity.
It is not an easy thing to build transportation infrastructure in the middle of a capital city that does not stop moving, this is a government effort that should be appreciated by all of us. The long journey of MRT, inaugurated by President Joko Widodo on March 24, 2019, began almost more than 30 years ago.
Precisely starting in 1985, where the idea of building the MRT was first sparked by BJ Habibie in anticipation of reducing congestion. Habibie's idea was then followed up by the then Governor of DKI Jakarta, Surjadi Soedirja, by releasing the basic design of the Jakarta MRT. Unfortunately, this idea was neglected for a dozen years until finally an MRT feasibility study was carried out in 2000 and PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta was established in 2008, until finally starting to enter the physical construction phase in 2013.
The success story of the MRT's long journey is certainly expected not to stop along Lebak Bulus-Thamrin alone. Along with the inauguration last March, President Jokowi also inaugurated the start of phase II construction which still continues the North South route. From Bunderan HI, the MRT route is extended by 7 stations to Kota, North Jakarta.
In the long term, President Jokowi said the MRT target could stretch 231 km in the next 10 years. Dividing Jakarta from South to North, and West to East. This plan is estimated to cost up to Rp 571 trillion, and is expected to carry up to millions of passengers every day.
Apart from these grand plans, during the trial period and trying it out, the Jakarta MRT is actually as advanced as Singapore. Starting in terms of technology, automated operating systems, and schedule reliability. From the communication system, for example, MRT President Director William Sabandar said Jakarta uses CBTC or Communication Based Train Control, a communication system that is claimed to be the most advanced in the world. The point is that with this technology the Jakarta MRT system can be controlled automatically and always detected accurately. Making trains can operate quickly, efficiently, and comfortably.
Not to mention in terms of human resources, from media reports many times the MRT directors said they were strictly selected for the MRT drivers and staff. The machinists were also sent to Singapore and Japan for training to learn the technology and work culture. In fact, for walking distance from the station entrance to where to wait for the train, Jakarta is more comfortable because it is not as far as the distance of the stations in the country of lions. With this series of advantages, Jakarta MRT can be as great or even more than Singapore.
Learning from Singapore
However, all of the above advantages must still pay attention to other supporting sectors so that they are not in vain. In terms of facilities, for example, there are still some that need to be improved for passenger comfort. Such as the limited provision of trash bins, unclear signs and directions at the station, to high stairs and escalators that are not operating optimally. Not only that, passenger education to queue, dispose of garbage, and other cultures that can maintain the sustainability of the MRT also still need to be improved.
In this case, it is good to learn from Singapore, which has been operating the MRT since 1987. At the beginning of the operation, this country also had many challenges. But slowly it can be improved, and Indonesia certainly can too. For example, Singapore imposes a high fine system for those who litter. That way, people began to familiarize themselves with maintaining the MRT. In addition to the facilities mentioned, there is also the infrastructure side that can be emulated from Singapore.
In 2017, London-based consultancy Credo named Singapore as having the most effective transportation system in the world. Able to carry up to 3 million passengers every day, the study said one of the keys to success is a transportation system that is integrated throughout the city and connected to buildings. Connectivity and integration cannot be ignored to optimize MRT operations. Especially with the idea of stretching the MRT along 231 kilometers, the ease of getting to MRT stations for citizens and connections to buildings must go hand in hand.
Regarding integration, MRT in collaboration with TransJakarta is a step that should be appreciated. It remains only how residents are provided with facilities or comfortable stops while waiting for the feeder to connect to the MRT. For example, from the TransJakarta dam stop to the MRT station, users can be facilitated with sidewalks and canopies to avoid uncertain weather situations. Especially for roads outside the main Thamrin-Sudirman road. To enter phase II, these facilities can begin to be considered by the government.
As for connectivity, collaboration between PT MRTJ, the government and the private sector or developers should be emphasized. Currently, regulations related to connectivity are still not detailed. The cooperation of the three is very important in making and implementing regulations that benefit all parties to increase the number of MRT passengers. Currently, the talks between the two parties are still intense to realize an integrated and connected MRT, hopefully there will be results in the near future that can benefit all parties.
The existence of the MRT actually has a positive impact on surrounding buildings, especially those with shopping centers. Because, MRT passengers can increase the level of visits to their building and become a very good potential to encourage business growth. Especially the retail business.
Likewise, from the government side, being connected to the surrounding buildings can certainly lure workers to migrate to public transportation. Because, it is more practical-fast-and convenient for them.
With development still ongoing, an integrated connection is not an unrealizable dream. Both parties certainly have the intention to make this mode of transportation more integrated. As the name suggests, an integrated highway mode. For this reason, discussions must continue because the development of transportation infrastructure is not only the responsibility of the government. But all of us, for a more advanced and cultured Jakarta.
If all the facilities and infrastructure are completed and improved by the government. For me, it is not impossible that Jakarta MRT will be superior to Singapore.