Mixed-Use Building: Understanding the Benefits of Mixed-Use Concepts in Jakarta's Development
One of the challenges of daily life for Jakartans is the long distance from their homes to their places of activity. For example, work, shopping, recreation, and even sports. The problem is that offices and commercial activity centers are located in the middle of the city, while residential areas are generally located on the outskirts of Jakarta.
Not surprisingly, some Jakartans rely heavily on private vehicles. The high number of private vehicle users certainly contributes significantly to urban problems in Jakarta, such as congestion and pollution. These problems also have a direct impact on the stress levels and health of Jakartans.
So, how can Jakartans get to their places of activity more easily and quickly? The answer is to move from the concept of single-use buildings to mixed-use buildings in Jakarta's development.
What are single-use and mixed-use buildingconcepts?
Single-use is a concept where land is used for only one function. For example, land is used for residences only, commercial centers only, offices only, and so on. The result is that the activities of Jakarta residents are separated and far apart.
Mixed-use, or mixed-use building, is a building concept that has several different functions and uses in one building. Mixed-use buildings can combine residential functions, offices, education, shopping centers, recreation areas and other functions, in one building.
This mixed-use concept is usually found in vertical buildings. In Jakarta, mixed-use buildings generally feature a mix of malls, hotels, offices and apartments in one building. The benefit is that Jakartans can work, hang out with friends at a café, shop and rest in close proximity.
How can the application of themixed-useconcept improve the quality of life of Jakarta residents?
As mentioned above, Jakartans spend a lot of time and energy traveling to their daily activities. Congestion and pollution encountered during the commute also trigger stress and health issues that lower quality of life.
The application of the mixed-use concept in Jakarta's development can provide more housing in the city center. Thus, housing and activity centers are close together, or even in the same mixed-use building. The quality of life of the community can also improve significantly.
What are the advantages of mixed-useconcepts ?
The mixed-use building concept has several advantages, among others:
In addition, the application of the concept of mixed-use building vertically is able to optimize the use of land in Jakarta is expensive and very limited. By increasing vertical mixed-use development, environmental problems, urban land scarcity , and urban sprawl in Jakarta can slowly be resolved.
In conclusion, the shift from single-use to mixed-use building concepts can make Jakarta a healthier, more comfortable, effective and practical city for its citizens.
To learn more about the potential of mixed-use buildings to improve Jakarta, please read Mixed-Use Residential Development, New Potential for the City. And to listen to information about mixed-use building with illustrations, please watch the video Benefits of Mixed-Use Building in City Development.